Designing a Curriculum Vitæ in LaTeX – Part 1: Concept and General Design
About half a year ago, I posted a blog post on how I created my business card. This post was my most popular post to date. It was even the most tending post for a few hours on Hacker News. Lots of people were asking about my curriculum vitæ (CV) design, but to be honest, I was using the
document class at the time. After finishing my dissertation and graduating, I’ve found the time to fully design my own CV and this is the result: -
Designing a Business Card in LaTeX
In 2017, I will graduate from Ghent University. This means starting a professional career, either in academia or in industry. One of the first things that came to mind was that I needed a good curriculum vitæ, and a business card. I already have the former, but I still needed a business card. Consequently, I looked a bit online and was not all that impressed by the tools people used to design them. I did not want to change some template everybody’s using, but do my own thing. And suddenly, I realised: what better tool than LaTeX to make it!
VPS Resources
A few months ago, I decided to switch from shared hosting to a VPS based setup. This has much more flexibility, but requires a bit (read: a lot) more work to get things going. Three months later and I have deployed a number of services on it that were just not possible in a typical shared hosting environment (email, ownCloud and Gogs to name a few). Sometimes this was fairly straightforward to set-up, but other times it took more than a few hours. Below is a list of useful resources I used to get everything going.
Defining New LaTeX Macros
LaTeX is a macro language on top of TeX; there are thousands of packages available that define all sorts of macros (commands) one can use in our documents. But sometimes they just don’t cover what we want or need. Often the solution is defining a new command. For very simple commands, this is straightforward, but if we want (or need) flexibility, things become more involved. We will take a look at good (and bad) approaches to define new macros in LaTeX.
Using CSS3 Counters for Figure and Table Numbering
Today I decided that all my figure-heavy posts will get proper captions and references. This makes referencing to a figure that is not directly below/above the text easier and more clear. A real referencing system as is present in LaTeX with
is out of scope, but adding numbers to figure captions should be manageable, right? -
A Basic LaTeX Preamble
The preamble is the place where one lays a document’s fundaments. It is used to include additional packages, set options, define new macros (commands), add PDF information and more. Even though one can define commands and set certain options within the document, it is preferred to set options globally. Otherwise we start smearing these definitions over the entire document, which makes finding things harder. This makes setting up the preamble a vital part of every document that is often overlooked.
Adding ownCloud to a LEMP Stack
Services like Dropbox, Google Apps (Drive, Calendar, Contacts…) and iCloud are really great options to store and share files, for email and to have your information synced between devices. However, you must trust these third parties with your data. And – at large companies – have it used to serve tailored advertisements and to learn more about you. Since I am running a VPS, most of these services (notably absent is email) can be replaced by a self-hosted one: ownCloud.
Open Source Analytics with Piwik
Google Analytics is a great tool to get more insight into user behaviour on a website. Despite being such a great tool, it requires the usage of the Google platform which results in handing over all this data to Google too. Furthermore, you are required to use cookies with Google Analytics. The usage of cookies is not necessarily a bad thing, but if the first thing people see is a cookie banner, they might quit the page immediately. So getting rid of cookies while still getting some more insight into user behaviour than what is typically available with a log analyser would be nice.
Debian LEMP Stack Let's Encrypt Setup
My website has been online for almost a year now, and used a standard HTTP Apache server since day one. Observant visitors will have noticed this changed on 6th July 2016. It has long since been on the to-do list, and it’s finally working (after some errors, cursing and downtime of this website). The process of getting everything working well was not painless to say the least.
Creating a Jekyll Image Gallery
“A picture is worth a thousand words” – I was with this philosophy I knew I wanted to one day add a gallery to my website. Finally, that day has come.