
It is possible to subscribe to my newsletter. I will send an email at most once per month and only when there is new (and noteworthy) content on this website. That means at most about four emails per year, since I don’t have enough time to work on more content.

So subscribe, just send me an email to my private email address (me (at) {this domain} (dot) be) with your subscription request. If you want to unsubscribe, just send me that as a request too.

Privacy statement: your email address will only be used for this newsletter. Your data will never be shared. I only keep a list of email addresses. Your name, the amount of mails sent, initial subscription date and more are not stored or shared only your email address is. The list is maintained in an encrypted file. There is no backend runnig to send these emails (this might change, depending on popularity). Changes will be communicated in advance on this page and through email.

I am not a lawyer, but hope this statement is sufficient. In any case, feedback is welcome.