• Reading List of 2023

    The Man Who Spoke Snakish – Andrus Kivirähk The Power of Strangers – Joe Keohane Wool – Hugo Howey Shift – Hugo Howey Dust – Hugo Howey Arrête avec tes mensonges (Lie With Me) – Philippe Besson Swimming in the Dark – Tomasz Jędrowski Project Hail Mary – Andy Weir
  • Reading List of 2022

    Het seizoen van stormen – Andrzej Sapkowski De laatste wens en Het zwaard der voorzienigheid – Andrzej Sapkowski De vrouwe van het meer – Andrzej Sapkowski De zwaluwentoren – Andrzej Sapkowski De voordoop – Andrzej Sapkowski Het bloed van de Elfen – Andrzej Sapkowski De jaren van verachting – Andrzej Sapkowski
  • Reading List of 2021

    It’s again time for the yearly reading list blog post. I’ve read my first graphic novels in a while, so that’s something remarkable this year. The rest of the books on the list are not very original.

  • Reading List of 2020

    2020 was a weird year but very productive in terms of reading due to COVID. But despite the lockdown at the end of the year, I failed to upload the new reading list. Oh well, better late than never.

  • Reading List of 2019

    I had a wonderful year in terms of reading. I read some absolute classics and I reread some books I read about a decade ago. Next year I plan to read a bit more outside the fantasy and science fiction genre.

  • Reading List of 2018

    2018 was a wonderful year for reading. I think I read the most books ever in one year! This includes – for the first time – a lot of non-fiction books. I enjoyed most of the books a lot and learned about the world and the meaning of life. (Hint: it’s 42).

  • Belotten

    “Belotten” as a card game that is often played where I come from. Different variants exist, but this is the version I grew up with. Some of the conventions are also included. However, the rest of this post is in Dutch. In the future I might provide an English translation, but for now there will only be a Dutch version.

  • Designing a Curriculum Vitæ in LaTeX – Part 4: Cover Letter Design and Conclusion

    In this fourth and final part of this series on the design of a curriculum vitæ in latex, we are going to have a look at the cover letter. An essential part, that should be part of the same design as the CV itself.

  • Designing a Curriculum Vitæ in LaTeX – Part 3: Main Section Design

    This is the third blog post in a four-part series on the design of the limecv document class. In this third blog post, we will design the main content section. This part will contain information such as your previous experience and education. Placing elements in this part will be the most difficult part. To make spacing elements easier, we’ll wrap everything in a tikzpicture environment.

  • Designing a Curriculum Vitæ in LaTeX – Part 2: Sidebar Design

    This is the second blog post in a four part series on the design of the limecv document class. In this second blog post, we will design the sidebar. This bar will contain the basic information such as your name, position, contact details and language skills. This will be the simpler part of the document to design, so it’s a good start. First, we will draw the background and then go over each of the sections separately.